[arin-ppml] Policy proposal: Penalize IPv4 bad actors

Jimmy Hess mysidia at gmail.com
Fri Sep 7 01:34:49 EDT 2012

On 9/6/12, William Herrin <bill at herrin.us> wrote:
>     Policy Proposal Name: Penalize IPv4 bad actors

I  like the Idea.   I don't care for the wording.   ARIN shouldn't
call  resource holders "bad actors";   that aren't violating policies.
   It's an opinion that they are "bad";  they may have
perfectly legitimate reasons for making the choices that they make

Instead of...

"Network infrastructure operators who as a condition of access under
government regulations require third party ISPs to manage IP addresses
in a manner inconsistent with ARIN policy are themselves ineligible to
hold ARIN number resources."

I would suggest

"Network infrastructure operators who as a condition of access under
government regulations require third party ISPs to manage IP addresses
in an inefficient manner or assign IP resources that are not used by
active hosts,
will be required to show that all the third party ISP networks meet utilization
criteria,  as well as their own network, before they are allowed to
receive additional
number resources through allocation or transfer."


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