[arin-ppml] Clarify /29 assignment identification requirement

Jimmy Hess mysidia at gmail.com
Thu Apr 26 21:44:26 EDT 2012

On 4/26/12, Jack Bates <jbates at brightok.net> wrote:
> Sure. I have no doubt that most ISPs record what a /32 assignment is
> assigned to. The problem, and the burden comes in the fact that the
> records kept for such things do not reflect what ARIN may ask for.

While ARIN's  auditing and review practices are and internal procedure
issue, and therefore out of scope of the PDP or the number resource

What I feel should happen is ARIN should actually publish guidance,
and specific forms, stating what will routinely be requested in
standard resource reviews and application for resources, information
such that ISPs are appropriately prepared.
Or  "examples"  of the documentation that ARIN will request.

Guidance documentation should be maintained and updated before changes
to ARIN's practices take effect.

I can understand the ISP/applicant not having their existing usage
information condensed into the form matching exactly what ARIN wants;
 if  ARIN has not provided  them the details they need to plan for
resource reviews,  if  ARIN has recently changed what they required,
or if the ISP's  staff has had little experience with applying for
additional resources.

It would be like the government  tax authority  keeping information
about the tax form you need to fill out,   and what receipts you need
to keep  every year,   until the day before taxes are due.


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