[arin-ppml] Spartan allocation proposal for transfers

Mike Burns mike at nationwideinc.com
Mon Oct 10 11:59:04 EDT 2011

Hi Owen,

Yes, it was a dense read, I was hoping that since Edelman advised ARIN that the spartan concept had been discussed at some level there, and some simplification of the concepts elucidated in the paper could be forthcoming from that direction.

However, I find the price graphs baffling, and the duration of extinguishment and protections against agents adopting multiple identities to be subjects for more discussion.

Of course this begs the question of transfer restrictions driving unbooked transfers, but still the concept is interesting.

I don’t find the social cost of table growth to be as high as the authors believe, I don’t foresee fragmentation happening to such an extent as to damage stability, but I realize this is just opinion at this stage.

As the authors state, this is an unusual market and it may be fruitful for economists to apply their tools.


From: Owen DeLong 
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2011 11:44 AM
To: Mike Burns 
Cc: arin-ppml at arin.net 
Subject: Re: [arin-ppml] Spartan allocation proposal for transfers

Thanks for posting that. I found it largely indecipherable, but, I confess ignorance in both the math involved and the theoretical economics.

I do find the assumption that the price of IPv4 addresses declines post exhaustion rather startling vs. the reality that everyone expects IPv4 addressing prices will increase until IPv4 is obsoleted.

I find the spartan rule idea novel and interesting. I don't believe it is a viable substitute for needs-basis, but, I do believe it might be a worth-while additional constraint.


On Oct 10, 2011, at 6:53 AM, Mike Burns wrote:

  New HBS paper which may be of interest to this community seeks to offer market flexibility while contraining table growth:


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