[arin-ppml] New IPv4 Transfer policy

Joel Jaeggli joelja at bogus.com
Tue May 10 11:26:34 EDT 2011

On 5/10/11 8:16 AM, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

> Microsoft, a company with 80K employees, could not have possibly
> provided justification that would have resulted in 50% utilization of
> 500K additional IP addresses in 1 year.  Are you proposing the company
> grow 4 times it's existing size in 1 year?  The only possible
> justification would be if they were buying them to reallocate to
> customers in a network the same way that any LIR does.

I don't have any particular interest in the outcome but with all due
respect you don't have any idea how they intend to utilize them, and
address space utilization on the basis of employee count is specious
enough to be discarded out of hand. It's obvious that you've never been
a customer of microsoft's hosting platform or their SOAS business if the
only possible conclusion you can draw is that they're going into the LIR


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