[arin-ppml] transfer conditions

Jimmy Hess mysidia at gmail.com
Tue May 10 00:36:56 EDT 2011

On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 8:09 PM, Matthew Kaufman <matthew at matthew.at> wrote:
> On May 9, 2011, at 3:49 PM, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
> All of the versions of the LRSA, and all of the modifications of "The RSA" are "an RSA"
>> I wouldn't like it, but obviously ARIN does not like forcing the recieving party to sign an RSA,
> No, they're fine with "an RSA", just not "The RSA and Only The RSA"
> Matthew Kaufman

When I say and see "RSA" in the 8.3 transfer policy; I take that to mean
the unmodified, standard RSA signed  for new allocations by ARIN.
And "LRSA" to be the special modified RSA  for legacy holders.

Do you suggest ARIN staff have taken a liberty to not implement it in
that manner?

I expect transfer recipients to be required to sign the RSA equivalent to
the standard RSA signed by receivers of new allocations.

That is, a RSA that does not provide the transfer recipient any benefits,
more rights,  provide any fewer restrictions on the transfer recipient, than
the new allocation RSA,  and does not restrict ARIN or cause ARIN to surrender
any rights not surrendered when the allocation recipient enteres into
a standard RSA.


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