[arin-ppml] End non-public IPv4 assignments?

Owen DeLong owen at delong.com
Tue Jan 25 13:32:28 EST 2011

On Jan 25, 2011, at 7:59 AM, Jack Bates wrote:

> On 1/24/2011 8:40 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:
>> IP addresses are for hosts which connect to other hosts using the
>> TCP/IP protocol. You cannot use TCP/IP without IP addresses.
> Can't we just say IP = Internet Protocol
> use of IP = use of Internet. :)
> Jack

No, we can't. There are many uses of IP in the world which have nothing to do with the internet.
There are other uses which are loosely coupled to the internet in ways that do not involve
exchanging packets with the larger sense of the internet.

Saying use of IP = use of internet would be like saying use of letters which appear in the
English alphabet = use of the English language and ignoring the fact that English makes
use of a subset of the latin alphabet which is used in a wide variety of languages.


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