[arin-ppml] ARIN-prop-127: Shared Transition Space for IPv4 Address Extension

Aaron Hughes aaronh at bind.com
Thu Jan 20 12:11:32 EST 2011

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 09:00:27AM -0800, Leo Bicknell wrote:
> In a message written on Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 11:26:49AM -0500, ARIN wrote:
> > ARIN-prop-127: Shared Transition Space for IPv4 Address Extension
> I think I understand the potential need for space described by the
> author.  In pondering if it makes sense for ARIN to allocate resources
> for this I noticed one omission.
> Why a /10?  Or more interestingly, why can't this be done with a /16, or
> why doesn't it require a /8?

As I understand it, there are large providers that want it to be an /8 and there are smaller folks who want it to be as small as a /16. This topic came up yesterday at the Cablelabs summit. The compromise suggestion was a /10 to try and keep everyone happy.

As for global vs. ARIN region.. I am not sure I understand why people care. It's not meant to be routed, it's meant to be used as a NAT pool between customers (Already NATed) and CGNs. That must be different space than your customer base in order to make NAT44 work. Without it, NAT44 will either fail, or people will use space they should not such as DISA space.

No one wants to implement NAT44, however, most will have to in order to continue to provide IPv4 services while services and eyeballs are being migrated to IPv6.


> -- 
>        Leo Bicknell - bicknell at ufp.org - CCIE 3440
>         PGP keys at http://www.ufp.org/~bicknell/

> -- 
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Aaron Hughes 
aaronh at bind.com
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