[arin-ppml] Hijackings

Owen DeLong owen at delong.com
Tue Apr 26 17:37:58 EDT 2011

On Apr 26, 2011, at 1:35 PM, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:

> In message <Pine.LNX.4.61.1104260938410.5148 at soloth.lewis.org>, 
> Jon Lewis <jlewis at lewis.org> wrote:
>> So, though most probably don't, I do have personal experience with ARIN 
>> acting as routing police.
> I personally would very much like to see _somebody_ take up the mantle
> of "routing police".  Although ultra-democratic egalitarian chaos may
> work just fine for PTA meetings and small-scale Libyan uprisings, I for
> one have never been persuaded that it is a viable model for the management
> of a planetary-scale network of networks that is responsible for handling
> multiple trillions of dollars of commerce every year.
Viable or not, I am quite certain from experience that it is the worst possible
model except for all the others.

> But reality is what it is, and the reality is that 99.9% of the modern
> Internet is owned and operated by corporations, and corporations are
> always loath to allow anybody else to tell them what to do.
This is not necessarily a bad thing.

> Someday, when the Chinese reach the conclusion that announcing whatever
> routes they feel like announcing is in their own best interests, _then_
> there may be some serious talk of "router police", but not before.
It's been tried before. It didn't pan out so well. Turns out that the community's
ability to react to such an event, treat it as damage, and route around it
is fairly good.

> In the meantime however, it seems like it might at least be a good idea
> for the community to have _some_ defined mechanism of clearly expressing
> its profound disapproval of the actions of those few participants that
> deliberately and repeatedly flout even the scant and minimalist rules of
> order which so far have managed to keep this unruly chaos afloat, even if
> only barely.
I think the community has some mechanisms for that already. They are
rare, poorly documented, and, not universal in acceptance or nature, but
they do exist. The efficacy of them can be debated, but, for the most part,
the internet does actually work, so, an argument can be made that what
we have is not so bad.

However, I agree that there is room for improvement and while I haven't
done a detailed review of your exact proposal, I think it might be an
interesting direction to explore.


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