[arin-ppml] ARIN / Microsoft press release regarding IP address Transfers

Milton L Mueller mueller at syr.edu
Mon Apr 18 12:06:06 EDT 2011

> -----Original Message-----
> We had the same "appearances" raised by IGP a while back when Comcast
> got a /9.  I for one take IGP blog postings with more than a pinch of
> salt.

What, you still don't understand the point of that blog post? 

The point we made was not that ARIN had violated its policies, or that there was an appearance of such,  but that the transition to IPv6 would not diminish the demand for IPv4 addresses. Comcast, as one of the major proponents of v6, was nevertheless needing a lot of v4 addresses. That was the point. We never made any statements about whether Comcast deserved those addresses or whether ARIN made a mistake in giving them to it. 

The fact that we now see Microsoft paying $7.5 million for a bunch of non-aggregated v4 blocks sort of makes that point again, doesn't it? 

Don't unfairly cast aspersions on our accuracy. We've been dead right about the future of that "dead" IPv4 address space. 

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