[arin-ppml] [arin-council] AC Role in Petitions

Joe Maimon jmaimon at chl.com
Thu Apr 14 20:10:45 EDT 2011

Charles O'Hern wrote:
> On 4/14/11 9:29 AM, Joe Maimon wrote:
>> PDP states "Any member of the community, including a proposal originator". On the face of it, this means anyone, including the AC, possibly even including ARIN Bot and Staff.
>> Further, stating that a forthcoming revision will contain this rule is an implicit acknowledgment of such.
>> I will note that the PDP explicitly excludes ARIN BoT and Staff from submitting a proposal except under Emergency Action. I do not see a corresponding exclusion for petition counting.
>> Is this AC rule even valid?
> The PDP doesn't seem to include (I couldn't find mention of) a rule to limit the AC's ability to create rules for the members of the AC.

As the AC is not a wholly disjoint entity from the PDP, their behavior 
vis-a-vis the PDP should be governed by the PDP. And in fact, much of 
their behavior is.

If they do not share this view, why the intention to include this rule 
as a revision in an upcoming revision of the PDP? As an FYI? Is the PDP 
an FAQ on the PDP?


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