Larry Ash lar at mwtcorp.net
Tue Apr 12 14:02:26 EDT 2011

On Tue, 12 Apr 2011 10:55:35 -0500
  Benson Schliesser <bensons at queuefull.net> wrote:
> On Apr 12, 2011, at 10:13 AM, Owen DeLong wrote:
>>> Higher prices generally increase the number of sellers.  This is a good 
>>>thing, given a scarce supply and ongoing need.
>> An interesting perspective. So your argument here is that I should 
>>actually think that making things cost more
>> is good for the community. Yeah, I'm not so convinced of that fact.
>For some values of "more", yes - higher prices are good.  See 
>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demand_curve etc.

Careful, I am a free market capitalist but even I would caution that the 
supply/demand curve has some build it assumptions. One of those is that as 
goes up they will build more. In a market where the overall supply is 
strictly fixed
no matter how high the price goes,  higher prices can attract speculators 
and attempts
to corner the market which pushes demand. Under speculative pressure, demand 
greatly outpace the increased supply. One only has to look at the current 
oil markets
to see the effect of run away speculation.

We have been talking around the issue, but, that is exactly what we are
trying to prevent by requiring need to be able to take control of a block
of numbers. Otherwise a small number of mega-corps could corral all of
the available addresses and parse them out for very high prices or worse
only to their customers. Imagine a case where you could only
get an IPV4 address if you were connected to MS or Comcast (insert your 
villain of choice).

Who cares, IPV4 is dead -- I would guess we would see TV adds that purports 
to show why
you have to have a V4 address to "really be on the internet". Marketing has 
to be way more powerful than fact.

"Need" has always made me nervous because it's so subjective, but "no need"
is just not acceptable.

> Cheers,
> -Benson
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Larry Ash
Network Administrator
Mountain West Telephone
123 W 1st St.
Casper, WY 82601
Office 307 233-8387

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