[arin-ppml] Discussion Petition of ARIN-prop-125 Efficient Utilization of IPv4 Requires Dual-Stack

Chris Grundemann cgrundemann at gmail.com
Wed Dec 22 15:10:58 EST 2010

The AC should not have abandoned ARIN-prop-125 Efficient Utilization
of IPv4 Requires Dual-Stack. I petition to move the following text
forward for discussion on the list and at the next Public Policy
Meeting. Please support moving this proposal forward now by posting
statements in support of the petition to this list.


Policy Statement:

* Add the following sections to section 4.1:

4.1.2. Efficient Utilization

IPv4 addresses are a finite resource and as such are required to be
efficiently utilized by resource holders in order to maximize their
benefit to the community.

4.1.3. Dual-Stack

Dual-stack refers to configuring both an IPv4 and an IPv6 address or
network together on the same network infrastructure.

All new IPv4 addresses assigned, allocated or transfered to an
organization must be deployed on dual-stacked interfaces along with
IPv6 addresses.

4.1.4. IPv6 Deployment

When addresses are used to provide an Internet facing service, the
service must be fully IPv6 accessible (if you deploy an A record, you
must also have a AAAA record, and both must answer).

* Add the following sentance to the end of sections,,, and 4.3.4:

In accordance with section 4.1.3 and 4.1.4, all new addresses must be
deployed on dual-stacked interfaces and all Internet facing services
provided by new addresses must be fully IPv6 accessible.

* Re-write section to:

Reassignment information for prior allocations must show that each
customer meets the 80% utilization criteria, the dual-stack criteria
and must be available via SWIP / RWhois prior to your issuing them
additional space.

* Add the following section to section 4.2.4: IPv6 Deployment

In order to receive additional space ISPs must provide detailed
documentation demonstrating that:
  - for every IPv4 address requested, at least one pre-existing
interface is dual stacked, up to 80% of all interfaces and
  - for every down stream customer site where the new addresses will be
deployed, at least one pre-existing down stream customer site is IPv6
enabled, up to 80% of the total customer base.

* Add the following to section 4.3.6: IPv6 Deployment

In order to receive additional space end-users must provide detailed
documentation demonstrating that at least 80% of their existing IPv4
addresses are deployed on dual-stacked interfaces in accordance with
section 4.1.3.


In this period of available IPv4 address scarcity and transition to
IPv6, IPv4 addresses that are not deployed along with IPv6 are simply
not being efficiently utilized. Although we have likely failed to
deploy dual-stack in a meaningful way in time to avoid transition
problems, we can still choose the correct path for future assignments,
allocations and transfers.

This proposal has three objectives:
-1- Encourage IPv6 deployment prior to and post depletion
-2- Enable growth of IPv4 to accelerate IPv6 transition #[only change
was to this line]#
-3- Improve the utilization of IP addresses

It accomplishes these goals by enforcing three basic ideals:
-1- ARIN will only make allocations and assignments for networks that
have already deployed production IPv6
-2- Any new IPv4 addresses received, must be deployed along side of
IPv6 (dual-stacked)
-3- Firmly encourages deployment of IPv6 in existing IPv4-only networks

The specific requirements to be enforced can be summed up in this way:
~ New addresses must be deployed on dual-stacked interfaces plus one
additional pre-existing IPv4-only interface must be dual-stacked per
new address, up to 80% of all interfaces.
~ For each down stream customer site where these addresses are
deployed, another pre-existing IPv4 only down stream site must also be
IPv6 enabled, up to 80% of the total customer base.
~ All end-sites must dual-stack before getting new space.
~ Internet facing services that new IPv4 addresses are used to provide
must be fully IPv6 accessible.


Chris Grundemann
chris at theIPv6experts.net

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