[arin-ppml] [a-p] Straw poll on special policy for electricenergy

John Thomas JThomas at Clarecomputer.com
Tue Oct 6 20:07:19 EDT 2009

Based on



About SmartSynch
SmartSynch has been the only provider of standard, IP communicating end-to-end smart grid solutions utilizing public wireless networks for the utility industry since 2000.

It looks like they may want Globally Addressable IP for the end devices.

It seems like they would likely want publicly addressable endpoints so that it would be easy to build secure tunnels as necessary.

I can't imagine a utility using my DSL as a primary means to "phone home", although they may have a secure way of doing that.


-----Original Message-----
From: arin-ppml-bounces at arin.net [mailto:arin-ppml-bounces at arin.net] On Behalf Of Ron Cleven
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 2:41 PM
To: ppml at arin.net
Subject: [arin-ppml] [a-p] Straw poll on special policy for electricenergy

I don't get this discussion (though I admit I did not go back and read 
the entire thing, so maybe I am missing something important, if so I'm 

There seems to be an underlying assumption that all devices need their 
own ip address (whether ipv4 or ipv6).  While that is obviously one way 
to architect things, it would seem that the devices could just as easily 
and more sensibly "phone home" via good ole NAT (whether ipv4 or ipv6), 
provide their unique identifier (NOT an ip address) and exchange 
whatever information is relevant with their home base.
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