[arin-ppml] Summary of 2009-1 discussion so far

Chris Grundemann cgrundemann at gmail.com
Tue Mar 31 12:53:34 EDT 2009

On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 16:13, Michael K. Smith - Adhost
<mksmith at adhost.com> wrote:
> Opposed:
>  Leo Bicknell
>  Kevin Kargel
>  Ted Mittelstaedt
>  William Herrin
>  Seth Mattinen
>  Jeremy H Griffith
>  Jay Hennigan
> + Michael K. Smith
+ Chris Grundemann

I am not convinced that the need is great enough for the BoT to invoke
the emergency PDP; neither through flaws in 2008-6 which the community
accepted nor through current circumstances.

My $.02: I agree with others that the Board's concerns should have
been raised during the transfer policy discussions that have taken
place over the last year plus (almost two?).  I further agree that the
simplicity, sunset clause, IPv4 exclusivity and (explicit) RSA
restriction were major factors in the communities acceptance of

I think that the best method of proceeding is for the Board to take
one of three actions (none include 2009-1 or the emergency PDP):
1)  Accept 2008-6 as presented and set an implementation date (which
could be immediately since they appear to believe that is what is
 - This gets a more open transfer policy on the books now (which the
Board obviously sees as an urgent need) and maintains community
consensus as an integral part of the policy process.
2)  Reject 2008-6 and publicly state their reasons in detail; this
could (would probably) include a call for someone to propose a policy
which addresses these concerns.
 - This allows the BoT's concerns to be addressed (by the community)
and maintains community consensus as an integral part of the policy
3)  Accept 2008-6 as presented, set an implementation date and call
for a new proposal to address it's gaps before such date.
 - This hits all three targets; it gets a more open transfer policy on
the books now, allows the BoT's concerns to be addressed (by the
community) and maintains community consensus as an integral part of
the policy process.

I would warn strongly against alienating the community at large as we
dive into a period that is certain to be chaotic enough under the best


> Regards,
> Mike
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Chris Grundemann

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