[arin-ppml] Barrier to entry into the IPv6 market

Steve Bertrand steve at ibctech.ca
Sat Dec 12 19:20:06 EST 2009

I'm not one to speak often, and even though I know this is the wrong
list to do it on, here it is.

This is off-topic, but it seems things are getting to the point of
silly. If I happen to use ALL_CAPS, refer to RFC 2119 for the meaning of
the term.

My assumption is that pretty well everyone here is, or has been either a
network op or engineer.

Personally, I've ran an ISP network for eight years, that began as a
flat network (when I took it over) into a 'proper' layered network. I
follow BCP 38 to the 't', have a complete v4/v6 s/RTBH setup, have more
redundant paths for v6 than I do v4, am an open-source proponent, and in
general would rather see the best for everyone as opposed to incur costs
on them.

My experience has also had me operating corporate networks, so I
*clearly* understand the difference between the 'enterprise' network and
the 'service provider' one.

I'm sick of hearing complaining about IPv6. Here are my thoughts. I've
ranted before (on NANOG) about how I feel, and I don't do so often.

If you are complaining about adopting IPv6, here's what I think:

- you are afraid to inform your superiors that there will be a cost
involved. To what I say: If you are afraid of what your boss may say,
then you are working in a company that has a short-term mentality

- you are afraid of IPv6 because it is new and different, To what I say:
wake the fsck up. Unless you are considering going back to construction
(like I have been doing for fun), you will not last without learning.
Besides, didn't you get into this industry so you could expand on what
you know?

- you know your company just won't invest. To what I say: leave. You are
probably in a position where nothing changes anyways. If you like this
scenario, then it suits you, but be prepared to have a trade behind you...

- it's just too much work. To what I say: Look at this list. There have
been people who have provided their own roadmaps to what they have to do
to get ready, and that is the most difficult part. Really... all you
have to do is search the web, look at already available wikis that
provide feedback from people with real world experience, and just do it

If you are on this list, you MUST get ready, whether it be for yourself,
or the company that you represent. You SHOULD inform your superiors
about IPv6 and how important it is. You SHOULD be concerned that if you
don't learn about IPv6, that you, and the staff below you will be useless.

You SHOULD recall the memo that was sent out on behalf of John Curran by
ARIN to all CEOs. If you don't recall that memo, then ask the CEO about
IPv6. If you do remember reading that memo, then do something about it.

The only barrier to IPv6 entry is you, and the complaints that you can
come up with.

You can continue to complain about how hard it is, or you can do something.

I assure you, as an engineer/op who runs a ~10k user ISP, who has dealt
with upstreams that have no v6 plans (and can't change because of
political reasons), it is *easy* to make it work. There are frameworks
for change available. v6 sits on top of v4. I can personally prove it,
as can many others, including people *much* larger that I.

Being a giving and open-source type person, I'd rather see all of us
make it work. It will only hurt my feelings a little bit when the v6
contractors start raping your company for waiting too long...


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