[ppml] Policy Proposal: IPv4 Transfer Policy Proposal

Leo Bicknell bicknell at ufp.org
Thu Feb 14 08:48:07 EST 2008

In a message written on Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 02:06:10PM +0900, Randy Bush wrote:
> i think the restriction on inter-region is un-needed and not useful.  if 
> it won't work operationally for the rirs, then they will handle that at 
> the admin/ops level; it is not a matter of *policy*.  and putting it in 
> now will just mean we will have to go through policy process hoops later 
> to take it back out.

I'm not sure transfers across regions are as easy as "just do it".

One interesting area that we haven't discussed is dispute resolution.
There's going to be at least one case where someone doesn't live
up to their end of the bargan; either not paying or not relenquishing
the resource.  With the policy as written both parties have signed
an RSA with a single RIR and have agreed to the same transfer policy
which they are bound to by the RSA.  Presumably the RIR can work
to mediate the situation and worse comes to worse it's relatively
well defined who to sue in court.

The situation is not so clear if one party as signed a contract
with one RIR, and another with a different RIR; particularly when
those parties may have signed contracts with different, even
conflicting terms.  Do the RIR's need a contractual relationship?
If you had to go to court do you sue one, or the other, or both?
ARIN's RSA specifies Virginia, I presume RIPE's specifies Holland;
how do those provisions square legally.

Worse, what if the transfer policies are different?  What if ARIN's
says the resource must be available on the date of the transfer,
and RIPE's policy states the resource must be available within 30
days?  Should the recipient expect it immediately or in 30 days?

One solution is a global policy.  What that generally means is
hitting all 5 RIR's twice, once to get feedback from all 5, then
fixing the language, then going back to all 5 to present and get
it accepted.  Given the schedules I think 18 months is a realistic
timeframe for that process to occur.

Is it worth taking the 18 months to get it right?  Do we pass a
policy in our own region in the mean time, or wait for the "one
true policy"?

       Leo Bicknell - bicknell at ufp.org - CCIE 3440
        PGP keys at http://www.ufp.org/~bicknell/
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