[arin-ppml] Policy Proposal 2008-6

Matthew Kaufman matthew at matthew.at
Wed Dec 31 13:26:09 EST 2008

Kevin Kargel wrote:
> ...
> I tend to think though that the majority of the community will not benefit
> from this new profitable market, and I do not see it as beneficial to make a
> policy change so that a few can make much more money from the rest.
> ...
Either there will be people who need IPv4 address space enough that 
they'll pay money for it -- whether that market is one where the 
transfers are recorded via a transfer policy or one where the transfers 
are recorded through the manipulation of shell companies -- or there 
won't be, in which case nobody will use the new policy anyway, so it 
doesn't matter.

Again, "option C", where we don't ever run out of IPv4 space and anyone 
who needs some can get it for nearly free is far preferable, but it 
isn't going to be on the table any more.

Matthew Kaufman

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