[ppml] [address-policy-wg] Those pesky ULAs again

Owen DeLong owen at delong.com
Tue May 29 13:38:09 EDT 2007

On May 29, 2007, at 10:32 AM, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:

> On 29-mei-2007, at 19:25, David Williamson wrote:
>>>> Disadvantages of ULA-C:
>>> I can't believe you keep pounding on this dead horse. These are
>>> PRIVATE addresses. Period.
>> Uh, neither of those reasons undermines the solution others have
>> proposed: use PI space.
> That's like saying people can use real money instead of monopoly  
> money. I really don't get this. Did you guys bet a lot of money  
> that there would never be ULA-C or something?
Um, no.  It's like saying that counterfeit money is bad and we'd  
rather not
create a sponsored system for printing it.

Oh, wait, the treasury department (at least in the US, and, I'm  
betting whoever
is the responsible agency in most other governments) feels that way.

> If you don't like it, don't use it yourself and filter it, but  
> PLEASE don't whine about it.

That's like saying if you don't like counterfeit currency, don't use  
it yourself, but,
don't complain about the damage it does to your economy.



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