[ppml] Policy Proposal: IPv4 Soft Landing

Jeroen Massar jeroen at unfix.org
Fri May 18 17:47:05 EDT 2007

Tony Hain wrote:

> I did not say that the Internet would end. What does end rather abruptly
> though is the wonderland where the RIRs are in any position to claim
> stewardship. Yes you will be able to get space on the open market, but what
> is your incentive to retain membership at ARIN and have to report back all
> the blocks you just acquired? Bottom line; where does ARIN funding come from
> in a world where addresses are traded on eBay? 
> That actually raises the bogus point that keeps coming up from time to time,
> IPv6 addresses are not free despite claims to the contrary. Unless RIR
> membership became free and I didn't notice... ;)

But that is the case anyway, when somebody like Google (just to name
something) would pick 1337::/16 or for their webservers I
am pretty sure that a lot of ISP's will start accepting those routes to
them, especially when the big G would give a 1000 EUR/month or other
nice incentive (porsche per enabled person? :)

It is more 'being nice' and 'playing nice' that keeps this going,
nothing else.

If RIR's want to keep their stewardship, which IMHO they should, they
should as quickly as possible introduce BGP certificates or a similar
mechanism that can be used by systems like S-BGP or BGP-S, that way,
when a route gets transfered, the transfer must include the certificate.
As these certificates are time-limited, they are forced to request the
RIR for a new one.

Of course, an alternate cert root or disabling the certs for certain
routes can help to overcome that again.

The good thing would be that you at least know for sure that the certs
that you do accept and verify correctly, that they are really the ones
they claim they are and not some s[cp]ammer somewhere.


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