[ppml] PIv6 for legacy holders (/w RSA + efficient use)

William Herrin arin-contact at dirtside.com
Tue Jul 31 12:21:10 EDT 2007

On 7/31/07, Randy Bush <randy at psg.com> wrote:
> but you deleted the core of my point.  where ipv6 is actually gaining
> some deployment, japan, korea, china, ... it has been heavily subsidized.
> to date, this looks to have been the only way to get folk making
> rational, albeit short term, business decisions to get on the v6 train.

I don't like your odds. I'm not saying you shouldn't try to this
approach, but I don't like your odds.

I'd recommend targeting particular US states instead of the federal
government. Perhaps California, New York and Maryland. I don't see the
Democratic Congress agreeing with the current President on any sort of
incentive program. With the Democrats recasting themselves as the
party of fiscal responsibility, I don't like the prospects for federal
sponsorship in the next administration either.

Besides, by pushing too early, too hard with a mandate to deploy IPv6
inside the Federal government, we've lost support from the
bureaucracy. The pushback was growing even when I was there.
Www.doc.gov and www.whitehouse.gov still don't offer an IPv6 address
in response to a AAAA query.

> i have no problem with folk getting ipv6 space and looking for a transit
> provider.  we were the first provider in the world to offer it.  smirk.

Then you'll support Scott's "PIv6 for legacy holders with RSA and
efficient use" proposal? I'd sure like to get my network online with
IPv6 but the PA space you'd provide my multihomed network doesn't
really do me any good.

Bill Herrin

William D. Herrin                  herrin at dirtside.com  bill at herrin.us
3005 Crane Dr.                        Web: <http://bill.herrin.us/>
Falls Church, VA 22042-3004

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