[ppml] PIv6 for legacy holders (/w RSA + efficient use)

Keith W. Hare Keith at jcc.com
Tue Jul 31 09:58:29 EDT 2007


> -----Original Message-----
> From: ppml-bounces at arin.net [mailto:ppml-bounces at arin.net] On 
> Behalf Of Randy Bush
> Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2007 12:40 AM
> right now, in most cases v4 and v4 nat look a lot cheaper to new
> deployments and expansions than v6 with v6/v4 nat (alain has a good
> counterexample, but it involves really massive scale).  this 
> is because
> v4 kit is a known reliable quantity, cheap, and with no compatibility
> issues with the rest of today's internet.  it's a no-brainer.

One of the IPv6 costs right now is finding equipment that claims to
support IPv6.  I tend to purchase in quanities of 1 or 2, so I use
resellers such as PCConnection and CDW. If I search these sites for
IPv6, I find only a couple of things that claim to support IPv6, the
most useful of which is an HP network adapter for a printer.

To find networking equipment that claims to support IPv6, I have to go
to Cisco or Juniper or maybe a couple of other vendors.  These guys are
geared torwards larger customers and don't respond overly quickly to
someone who might be interested in one or two of product X sometime in
the next year or so.

To push IPv6 forward, we have to have enough users with IPv6 addresses
to convince the venders there is a market for IPv6 hardware.  The only
way to do this is to make Provider Independent address space widely
available to organizations with only a couple of hundred nodes.  This
has implications for the size of the routing tables, but without a
market pull, IPv6 is not going to happen quickly.


Keith W. Hare                     JCC Consulting, Inc.
keith at jcc.com                     600 Newark Road
Phone: 740-587-0157               P.O. Box 381
Fax: 740-587-0163                 Granville, Ohio 43023
http://www.jcc.com                USA

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