[ppml] PIv6 for legacy holders (/w RSA + efficient use)

David Conrad drc at virtualized.org
Mon Jul 30 13:39:31 EDT 2007

On Jul 30, 2007, at 9:47 AM, Paul Vixie wrote:
> this sounds fatalistic. like "it is our destiny to squeeze every last
> possible route into the V4 DFZ" and "it is our destiny to use V4 as  
> long as
> humanly possible" and "it is our destiny to use V4 until the  
> additive and
> inertial costs of switching to V6 are terrible to witness".

You talk of this as if it is religion.  It isn't.  It is simply  
business.  There are costs to migration.  There will be increased  
costs to obtaining additional IPv4 addresses.  There are projected  
revenues depending on the mix of migrated vs. non-migrated.  When  
either the cost of migrating is deemed to be be less than the cost of  
obtaining additional IPv4 addresses or the prospect of migrated  
revenues is higher than non-migrated, people will migrate.

Until that time, people will get more efficient with IPv4, with the  
implication of increased NAT use and longer prefixes hitting the  
routing system. This isn't fatalistic, it is just reality.


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