[ppml] Policy Proposal: Global Policy for the Allocation of the Remaining IPv4 Address Space

Brian Dickson briand at ca.afilias.info
Wed Jul 25 12:59:48 EDT 2007

William Herrin wrote:
> On 7/25/07, Andrew Dul <andrew.dul at quark.net> wrote:
>>>  It
>>>  will also be a clear message to the rest of the community about how the
>>>  IANA pool will be distributed and by doing that avoiding discussion
>>>  outside the RIR environment.
>> I think the current policy accurately describes what will happen.  RIRs will keep
>> asking for /8 allocations until there are no more available.  You don't know who
>> will get the last allocation, but you do know how it will happen.
I think the problem is not that there are X CIDR blocks left to dole out
to RIRs, but that
the size of the CIDR blocks being doled out is fixed.
>> Andrew,
>> The problem is, it could happen two days after ARIN requests its next
>> /8 block but it could also happen two days before. It could be a nasty
>> "gotcha."
>> I'm against this proposal with N=5 because I don't think it
>> distributes the final /8's fairly. But with N=1 (a final /8 to each
>> registry all at the same time) I think think this proposal would be
>> reasonable.
In environments where fixed capacity has a very specific upper limit,
such as filling a fuel
tank, the "best common practice" is to fill at full speed until some
critical level is reached,
and then to slow the fill rate substantially, and as needed, repeating
this until the tank is full.

This avoids overfilling, or other nasty effects.

Changing the size of CIDR blocks given to RIRs, at some point, would
increase the number
of blocks available, thus ensuring that fair allocations continue to occur.

E.g. when there are 6 of the /8 ranges left, start allocating /10's, of
which there would be 24.
And when there are 6 of the /10's left, start allocating /12's, etc.

Just my observation on finite pool allocation and exhaustion of the

Brian Dickson

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