[ppml] Policy Proposal: Authentication of Legacy Resources

Stephen Sprunk stephen at sprunk.org
Tue Jul 10 17:25:07 EDT 2007

Thus spake "Rich Emmings" <rich at nic.umass.edu>
> I think it's called extortion, when you have no agreement with
> an organization, and they say "Give us money or else" or
> "Sign this or else"

Extortion?  Sounds more like government.

> If can sign an RSA, but don't have to, legacy user, it is a voluntary
> document, and legacy assets can't be held do it.

OTOH, ARIN has no legal obligation to provide any services to or on behalf 
of someone who doesn't sign that voluntary agreement.  ARIN could drop WHOIS 
and DNS for legacy blocks with zero risk; the risk only comes if/when ARIN 
tried reassigning those blocks to other folks.

> I have no disagreement with writing a letter asking a non-RSA
> legacy holder if they are using the asset.  At worse case, the
> realize they have an asset, and keep it, and we're no worse
> off then we are now.  Why do we have to go to the woodshed
> and get out the largest stick?  Let's not threaten everyone as a
> first step.

I agree; we need to do some outreach to legacy holders, with whatever 
carrots we can come up with, before we worry about what sticks we may or may 
not have/need.


Stephen Sprunk      "Those people who think they know everything
CCIE #3723         are a great annoyance to those of us who do."
K5SSS                                             --Isaac Asimov 

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