[ppml] Residential Customer Privacy

Owen DeLong owen at delong.com
Tue Jun 20 05:06:38 EDT 2006

Another thing to consider that I learned recently about privacy (or the
illusion thereof)...

If you are registered to vote, then, your registered name, address,
telephone number, voting history (which elections you voted in) are
available to the following people:

	1.	Any candidate running for office.
	2.	Any volunteer or staff the candidate chooses to give
		the information to.
	3.	Anyone who wants to read the information off of the
		posted voter rolls at each polling place.
	4.	Virtually anyone working, volunteering, or interning
		in the registrar of voters office.

Given that, I don't think having your City, State, and Zip in the
whois database in exchange for getting a block of more than 8 IPs
is an unreasonable compromise.


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