[ppml] [narten at us.ibm.com: PI addressing in IPv6 advances in ARIN]

Per Heldal heldal at eml.cc
Mon Apr 17 04:35:12 EDT 2006

On Mon, 17 Apr 2006 01:10:19 -0400, "Christopher Morrow"
<christopher.morrow at gmail.com> said:

> stopping the PI train is hardly a simple matter. I agree that failing
> some reasonable 'multihoming' solution in v6, v6 is dead on arrival.

Maybe the community first has to agree on wether v6 really is ready for
the mainstream? The majority in favor of a policy-change seem to
indicate that people think it is. If not, we should be happy to wait for
a proper technical solution and be happy with the existing policy.

For years many of us have argued against using v6 without a scalable
routing solution except possibly as a last resort when we actually do
run out of v4 addresses. If we give in to the mounting pressure from
governments (GOSIP anyone;) and various special-interest-groups *now*
then PI is the only option. 

> I
> don't see that PI space is a smart move for the long term though :( If
> PI space gets final approval it will mean that all of the DFZ
> providers will have to carry all (or nearly all) /48 routes for
> eternity... There is no way to get back the /48's assigned under PI
> space after a multihoming solution that makes sense arrives, 

Many seem to disagree. PI assignments could be made temporary, as
suggested and discussed on the global-v6-list

>                                                              and there
> is, honestly, no driver to continue working on a multihoming solution
> now that there is PI space.

The vast majority of the SMB-market does not qualify for PI. There are
still plenty of drivers for alternatives.

  Per Heldal

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