[ppml] Proposed Policy: IPv4 Micro-allocations for anycast services

Owen DeLong owen at delong.com
Fri Aug 12 14:48:02 EDT 2005

Perhaps requiring the requestor to prove that they qualify for an
independent allocation
under ARIN policies rather than requiring them to actually possess one
would be
a reasonable alternative.  If you are actually multihomed with an ISP
block and have a legitimate need for multicast, I can't imagine that you
meet the criteria for an ARIN issued /22 whether you need it or not.



--On August 12, 2005 9:23:36 AM -0700 David Ulevitch <davidu at everydns.net>

> On Aug 12, 2005, at 8:47 AM, Alec H. Peterson wrote:
> Hi Alec,
>> For example, the issue has less to do with an entity not being able  
>> to justify enough space for their entire enterprise and more to do  
>> with the fact that they cannot carve a /24 out of their space for  
>> fear of having it filtered.  What if an org was required to already  
>> have an ARIN allocation under the normal criteria to qualify for an  
>> anycast block?
> I'm not sure that's the right idea.  For example, I can multihome  
> just fine with my ISP assigned block but I can't deploy an inter-as  
> anycast system with it.  Why should I abuse the micro-allocation or / 
> 22 end-user multihoming policy just to meet an anycast /24 policy?
> Or perhaps I misunderstood you.
> Thanks,
> David Ulevitch
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