Policy 6 - Single organizations with multiple aggregation poi nts

Bill Darte billd at cait.wustl.edu
Thu Nov 1 11:56:54 EST 2001

[* When applying for additional address space, from an RIR, for new
networks or additional space for existing networks the organization must
show greater than 50% utilization for the last block granted by the RIR
and their allocations as a whole.  Any reserved blocks must be allocated
to a discrete network before the RIR will grant additional address space.

This requirement defeats the purpose. If overall usage is measured then
the minimum assignment by the RIR, currently /20 needs to be increased.
If I am expected to rob from one network to support address depletion 
in another the blocks must be globally routable.

mark huff
integra telecom]

The reference to 50% is "average" across all allocations...
Therefore 3 nets of 20%, 40% and 90% would meet the hurdle...

So... I encourage that 'average utilization' be incorporated.

Bill Darte

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