
Charles Scott cscott at
Sat Sep 16 13:42:41 EDT 2000

On Sat, 16 Sep 2000, Alec H. Peterson wrote:

> I agree that reclaiming address space is a good idea, and we are working on
> ways to do it.
> However, you all must accept the fact that reclaiming IP space and more
> efficient use of new IP allocations are not mutually exclusive.  They are in
> fact separate discussions, and decisions on whether to do one will not
> affect the other.
> Alec

  Agreed. Reclaiming IP space and efficient use of new allocations are
certainly not mutually exclusive, Similarly, the aggrigate preasure on IP
address space affects both discussions and their outcome. Also, the
outcome of both will affect the aggrigate preasure on IP address space.
They are therefore intimately interwoven.
  I think however, that there is also a matter of balance. It appears that
many in this discussion have a hard time accepting the idea that address
space that's currently in productive use, however inefficiently, is more,
or even equally, worth trying to reclaim than address space that is
currently serving no usefull purpose whatsoever or is grossly in contrast
with conservation. It is certainly the impression of this imbalance that
is making it difficult for ARIN to deploy this policy. Until such time as
all address space falls under the same level of scrutiny, it's unlikely
that those providing Web hosting services, the very content of the
Internet, will be convinced to expend considerable work and funds to
essentially change the way they do business.

Chuck Scott
Gaslight Media

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