guideline for name-based web hosting justification

J. Scott Marcus smarcus at
Thu Sep 14 10:28:35 EDT 2000

At 08:33 09/14/2000 -0500, J Bacher wrote:
>On Wed, 13 Sep 2000, J. Scott Marcus wrote:
>> This ppml mailing list (and our public policy meetings) are exactly the
>> right places to frankly and openly discuss issues like this.  Moreover, we
>> specifically solicited opinions from the community on these actions.  ARIN
>> _asked_ for this feedback.
>Which segment of the community?  I've not received any requests for
>feedback on this policy in the last couple of years.

ARIN requested further discussion on this subject August 29, although the
connection to the far-ranging discussions that ensued may not be clear.
See below:

>Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 14:46:37 -0400 (EDT)
>From: Member Services <memsvcs at>
>To: arin-announce at, ppml at
>Subject: ARIN Web Hosting Policy
>Sender: owner-ppml at
>ARIN's new web hosting policy has recently been under discussion on the
>ARIN IP allocations policy mailing list. 
>The policy is described at
>Some individuals have expressed their disagreement with this new policy.
>Should the ARIN web hosting policy be changed?
>ARIN would like your feedback on this issue.  Please post your comments
>and suggestions to the public policy mailing list (ppml at Your
>feedback will be included in the discussions at the upcoming public
>policy meeting.
>Information about the meeting can be found at

I have not checked, but it's possible that this policy had not been
discussed on the list prior to the previous member meeting (as Randy
notes).  If so, that would seem to have been an oversight.

I am also thinking that, while discussions like this should be HELD on
ppml at, maybe they should be ANNOUNCED on some other relevant lists,
such as nanog?

- Scott

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