[arin-discuss] [ARIN-Suggestions] New ACSP Suggestion 2014.10: CHANGES TO CANDIDATE SPEECHES

Tim Huffman tim at bobbroadband.com
Fri Jun 6 12:05:21 EDT 2014

> (presuming that we continue with the present predominantly live candidate speeches) 
>Should candidates be told to briefly state their own qualifications for consideration by the electorate?  Or simply told that >they've 
>got 3 minutes, and "go for it?"   If candidates want endorsers to 
>also speak, should they be able/encouraged to enter them as candidates as well so they get a speaking slot?

I think that stating their qualifications is a good idea, but shouldn't be a requirement. Registering people as candidates for the sole purpose of endorsing someone else seems like a very bad idea. If we really want to allow public endorsements (and I see no reason not to allow them), perhaps there should be an open discussion period such as the one during ARIN meetings for proposals that endorsers and detractors can use to discuss the merits of a particular candidate?

Tim Huffman
Director of Engineering
Business Only Broadband

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