[arin-discuss] ipv6 fees in new fee structure

John Curran jcurran at arin.net
Thu Mar 7 18:13:51 EST 2013

On Mar 7, 2013, at 5:52 PM, Wolfpaw - Dale Corse <dale at wolfpaw.com>

> I usually lurk.. but I have to wonder about this new fee structure. Why
> does ARIN require all these extra funds exactly? 

Dale - 
  It's probably worth going through the presentation that I referenced
  but the short answer is that the revised fee schedule is actually 
  revenue neutral, i.e. the total expected revenue is the same as today.

  The main reason for the change is to smooth out the fee schedule, 
  introducing categories for smaller ISPs with even lower fees, and 
  adding several large categories at the top for those holding the
  largest amount of number resources.  

  So, no net increase in funds, but recovering the costs of operation
  more fairly across the entire community.

Hope that helps!

John Curran
President and CEO


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