[arin-discuss] fee structure (was Re: IPv6 as justification for IPv4?)

John Curran jcurran at arin.net
Sat Apr 20 10:05:12 EDT 2013

On Apr 20, 2013, at 7:49 AM, Jesse D. Geddis <jesse at la-broadband.com> wrote:

> So I think it's been established that quite a few folks think the past, current, and proposed fee structure doesn't adequately deal with the /14 and larger organisations. The next question is what should that fee structure look like? How should it be scaled on IPv6? Is it better to substantially lower the fees for the smaller orgs or to instead plow the revenue into keeping initial /32 IPv6 allocations free until X threshold has been reached? Maybe it's possible to do both.
> A couple ideas have been suggested that include:
> 1. Doubling the fees for every 2 bits
> 2. Going based on the number of total /24's
> 3. Increasing fees for every /x you go up
> 4. Creating more tiers at the top
> I think #1 & #3 may be the two most interesting ones as they can be translated directly to the IPv6 fee schedule.
> What are some suggestions on what that fee structure would look like?

Jesse - 
  Could you first describe the philosophy of the fees that you are trying to 
  advance?  In particular, are you seeking fees that represent costs, fees that
  represent "value", or fees that represent ability to pay?

> My sense is that there should be a floor for costs but this isn't rooted in anything in particular other than $8 seems hardly worth billing.

  Note that there are aspects to ARIN other than the registry, for example,
  ARIN is active in Internet Governance discussions globally to educate and
  further protect the ability of this community to manage Internet resources.
  ARIN members also have the ability to participate in organization governance
  of ARIN (through elections and Member's Meetings).  Are you proposing that
  these costs be considered as part of the overall registry fee structure or 

> Should there be a ceiling? It seems like that's at the root of what several are unhappy with. John, can you please tell us what the current smallest/largest ISP allocation is so we can have an ideas as to what we are dealing with here?

  The smallest is /24, largest is /8.


John Curran
President and CEO

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