[arin-discuss] IPv6 as justification for IPv4?

John Curran jcurran at arin.net
Wed Apr 17 00:15:01 EDT 2013

On Apr 16, 2013, at 1:29 PM, Jesse D. Geddis <jesse at la-broadband.com> wrote:

> Rounding to the largest  allocated aggregate is there a way to generate a break down for organisations allocations so we can figure out what that fee structure would look like?

I'm happy to supply data that you need, but want to make sure I understand
the request...  You want to know the distribution of the "largest allocated
aggregate" for each ISP?

By "largest allocated aggregate", do you mean the largest IPv4 allocation
that ARIN has made to each ISP?


John Curran
President and CEO

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