[arin-discuss] Trying to Understand IPV6

Mike Berger berger at shout.net
Tue Sep 14 16:00:55 EDT 2010

  Static assignments sure sound appealing from the customer standpoint.  
NAT is a kludge that breaks things and customers shouldn't be forced 
into it, especially when there's no shortage of resources.  Yes, you can 
wreak havoc with the customer's network when you change addresses on them.

On 9/14/10 11:19 AM, Randy Carpenter wrote:
> What are everyones' thoughts regarding dynamic versus static assignments for residential users?
> Our current plan is to use DHCPv6 with prefix delegation to auto-assign the WAN and LAN prefixes. In this scenario, we could easily change assignments without anyone having to touch any equipment.
> The big question is will that wreak havoc with customers' internal network if the addresses ever change?
> Static assignments for 10,000's of customers does not sound very appealing.
> Any other considerations?
> thanks,
> -Randy

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