[arin-discuss] IPv6 Hurdles

Michael K. Smith mksmith at adhost.com
Fri May 1 20:42:20 EDT 2009

On 5/1/09 3:55 PM, "Brent Sweeny" <sweeny at indiana.edu> wrote:

> other relevant questions for such appliances even if they do v6 at all: do
> they do v6 in hardware or software? how large an upstream pipe can they
> handle?

These are the types of questions that we all (should) ask about our IPv4
applications/devices as well, so I hope it's not a show-stopper for IPv6.
The product documentation from the various vendors on v6 is pretty deep,
although not as deep as it will be when it's as ubiquitous as v4.  But,
putting it into production now and working with the vendor to iron out bugs
and limitations is a better idea than waiting until you have to install the
gear because there are no v4 addresses left.



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