[arin-discuss] voting

David Williamson dlw+arin at tellme.com
Tue Feb 5 16:13:19 EST 2008

On Tue, Feb 05, 2008 at 07:44:20PM +0000, Paul Vixie wrote:
> is there any way ARIN can augment or restructure the election process to give
> you more information about the candidates and issues, and lower the apparent
> bar to your informed participation?

There is a lot of information available about candidates on the ARIN
website, but it is a bit scattered.  THe main election web page has
candidate statements and statements of support, which is very useful if
you know or know of the candidates or the folks making the statemens of

Other resources exist, but are a bit harder to find: candidates
physically at a member meeting have the opportunity to make a
statement.  That goes into the meeting minutes and the recordings.
Perhaps those could be linked directly to the election pages, too.

I think my only specific suggestion is to work to pull all of the
relevant materials together onto a single page per set of candidates.
It may also be useful to provide some guidance to candidates about the
types of statements they can make that may help elucidate their
positions to the membership, but I'm less convinced that there is value
in such guidelines.

Finally, I'll note that anyone interested in participation, but feeling
like they lack sufficient data to make a decision, should be encouraged
to ask questions on the arin-discuss mailing list in the period leading
up to the election.  Oh, and people can always use the search engine of
their choice to find out more.

The information is all out there - it's mostly a matter of *actively*
participating in the process.


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