[arin-discuss] No quorum in last election

Bill Fumerola billf at powerset.com
Tue Feb 5 14:30:29 EST 2008

"Stotyn, Mel" <mstotyn at enmax.com> on 2/5/08 7:35 AM scribed thusly:
> I can see where the hot air is coming from. It isn't Dean. The lawyers
> name needn't be confidential. Therefore, it is ARIN principals that are
> causing the extra mailing list traffic by their obfuscation. Just answer
> the questions, clearly and concisely. Then Dean will have what he needs
> and so will those of us who actually do believe in democracy rather than
> gamesmanship. Delaying tactics, obfuscations and Dean-bating makes me
> wonder more and more whether some members of the ARIN board do have
> something to hide from the membership.

all of dean's requests should be made privately. you can read into what his
real concern is by dragging this out in a public forum. the same guy who
relentlessly bitches about unnecessary ARIN expenditures is now causing more
of them. ARIN's time, legal fees, time from the members of this list (and
ppml@'s), and so on.

i'm sure the readership would be just as well served by Mr. Anderson posting
a summary of his findings, his lawyer's findings, his lawyer's actions, etc.

this is just yet another public forum for Dean to cause a ruckus, claim he
was wronged, throw around legal terms, hide behind a lawyer when convenient,
and in the end resolve or prove nothing.

you can see why arguing this privately works against his goals. i'm sure
Dean will explain our 'right to know'. just because we have that right
doesn't mean we want other people deciding to cram that knowledge through
these lists, clogging them for real work.

this recent pissing match started out about quorum, but will move into the
vixie maps etc conspiracy talk real soon if not already (haven't read
through the rest of the thread).

from last year, my prediction on how Dean's recent presence will play out:

- bill

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