[arin-discuss] Importance of Corporate Governance

Stotyn, Mel mstotyn at enmax.com
Tue Feb 5 11:10:28 EST 2008

> here's what i predict will happen:  dean doesn't know me or know
anything about me but he'll now try to drag me through > the mud.  he'll
probably claim that i'm a spammer, murderer, drug dealer international
criminal mastermind who is
> supporting the devious plan to anycast annoyance into his life.  who
knows?  maybe he'll even sue me.  he tries to
> intimidate anyone who disagrees with him.

todd underwood                                 +1 603 643 9300 x101
renesys corporation                            general manager babbledog
todd at renesys.com

Oh good grief! Dean has not accused anyone of being a "murderer, drug
dealer international criminal mastermind" in these discussions. This one
final statement undermines the credibility of todd underwood and raises
the credibility of Dean Anderson by comparison, since he has not
responded in this mode. Who knows? Maybe he will sue you. But I'm sure
that he won't do it without a complete investigation and compilation of
enough evidence to have a reasonable expectation of at least recovering
his legal expenses.

Mel Stotyn 
Senior Operations Specialist 
ENMAX Envision Inc. 
mailto:mstotyn at enmax.com 
Phone: 403 514-3443

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