[arin-discuss] SPAM-WARN:Re: [ppml] Counselstatementon Legacy assignments?(fwd)

Michael Thomas - Mathbox mike at mathbox.com
Fri Oct 5 12:19:49 EDT 2007

Ryan Yaldor, Brad Belton, Phillip Clark,

> I agree. There needs to be a fair and level playing field. I 
> would support any action to resolve this matter.

All above apparently agree that there needs to be a "fair and level playing

Which playing field is that? The legacy assigned field, the multiple-level
priced IP address field, the member dues field?

In my opinion, ARIN and therefore the ARIN community has no privilege, no
right, no power over legacy holders. You are just ticked that the legacy
holders were here before you in the same manner that I am ticked that the
telephone companies have advantages with pole rights because they were here
before me.

Any discussion of legacy holders should be pushed up to IANA.

If you want to dicuss level playing fields within the ARIN community, why
not discuss same dollar cost per IP address, regardless of allocation size.
If I paid the same as price as those other guys (is that you?) then my $1250
/21 would cost less than $150.

Oh, that's correct. Someone on this list did say a couple of days ago, that
those price levels were established as a price barrier.

Michael Thomas
1-877-MATHBOX (Toll Free)  

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