[ARIN-consult] [EXTERNAL] - Reminder on ARIN Consultation on Retiring Email Templates

Miles McCredie Miles.McCredie at midco.com
Tue Nov 28 12:31:58 EST 2023

OrgID MIDCO-1 is one of the current users of the email templates for SWIPping.  I stated asking internally about migration during ARIN52 and believe I now have commitment from the appropriate resources to implement a move from email templates before 4-Jun-2024.

Some things that might be useful between now and June 2024:
	- 1 or 2 OT&E / Reg webinars
	- Additional communication directly to any users of email templates in the last 3-6 months
	- Communication with IPAM vendors

One thing that I am curious about is whether ARIN reached out directly to anyone at MIDCO-1 about the transition.  If so, contact information for the OrgID may need to be updated.

Miles McCredie 
Principal Network Engineer II-Core IP 
Office: 6052755192 
Miles.McCredie at midco.com 

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