[ARIN-consult] Consultation - Retirement of IPv4 Countdown Plan

Jo Rhett jrhett at netconsonance.com
Mon Mar 21 23:41:31 EDT 2016

>   The requirement for the Registration Services team to gather and do serial processing
>   of these requests significantly increases overall staff time per request, and does not 
>   appear to be particularly constructive use of resources given that (when approved), 
>   they are all then going to end of a very long waiting list…  We can achieve the same 
>   result (and faster for everyone) if we eliminate the phase 4 team review processing.

I suspect that the “very long waiting list” itself presents numerous issues: if a request is approved today and satisfied in 2018, it may well be that the receiver is defunct in 2018 and the network op who filed the request just received a valuable, sellable asset. <— which is not our goal.

I think that perhaps IPv4 usage and demand needs to be validated when the resources are available, which is a reversal of all past policy.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : net philanthropy to improve open source and internet projects.

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